Better focus, better you

Improve your ability to focus with Mendi. Get into longer flows of sustained attention, learn to avoid distractions, and develop mental resilience.

Recommended by Dr Cody Rall

Cody Rall, M.D., is a United States Navy trained Psychiatrist who specializes in neurotechnology wearables. He is a co-founder of Stanford Brainstorm, the world’s first academic laboratory dedicated to transforming brain health through entrepreneurship.

Dr. Rall also served as a selection judge and team member of the psychiatry innovation lab, an annual national competition at the American Psychiatric Association that works as an incubator for groups developing technological solutions to problems in mental health care.

He is the founder of Techforpsych, a media and relations company that covers advancements in technology related to neuroscience.xt

A brain health revolution

Mendi is a neurofeedback headset for home use that lets you train your brain to improve your ability to focus so you can achieve more.

The Mendi neurofeedback headset and accompanying app

Expert scientists recommend Mendi

Dr. Alan Pope, PhD

Distinguished Research Associate, NASA

Some people may be skeptical now, but in 5-10 years no one will be.

Dr. Terry Rector, PhD

Senior Project Leader, The Aerospace Corporation (NASA)

What we know about the brain is that 'if you do not use it, you will lose it'. The brain needs to be trained and used. Brain training for astronauts will be a key factor for future space travel, which is why NASA is sponsoring the research with Mendi.

Dr. Lauren Silbert, PhD

Neuroscientist, Princeton University

Neurofeedback brain training has been proven to help with a wide range of cognitive functions - from focus and stress, to sleep and mood disorders. Perhaps most fundamentally, consistent training can be used by anyone to improve their brain’s physical health.

Dr. Francesco Bez, PhD

Neuroscientist, Lund University

A good blood flow in the PFC (prefrontal cortex region of your brain) has been correlated with a general better health, memory and high performance. There’s also evidence that a brain that is more “fit” and with a lot of connections can slow down the onset of diseases.

How Mendi works

Wear the headset

The headset is used to measure your brain activity. It automatically connects to Mendi's app.

Mendi uses safe fNIRS technology, meaning it uses light to read blood flow in your brain. The headset is only used for measurement.

Control the training game

Success with every session

Time efficient

The headset is used to measure your brain activity. It automatically connects to Mendi's app.

Mendi uses safe fNIRS technology, meaning it uses light to read blood flow in your brain. The headset is only used for measurement.

Strengthening your brain with every session

Just like muscles growing from physical training, every time you train with Mendi you’re naturally growing healthy new brain networks and neurons that strengthen your brain. Below is an animation that shows a simplified version of what happens in your brain when training with Mendi.

Get your Mendi now

Take your first steps to a healthier brain, improved ability to focus, and mental well-being.