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User testimonials

Mendi’s growing community of 36 000+ users share their personal stories and experiences on how Mendi helps them improve and maintain a healthy mind.

Mix of user stories

Molly Van Roekel

Arkansas, United States.

It’s been amazing to see that the ball strongly correlates with the strength of my positive thinking. I have ADHD and PTSD so negative thoughts are easy to slip into. I’m excited to see a way to forge new neural pathways and learn a new way to think. Ultimately, I’m less concerned with what happens when I have the Mendi on, and more concerned with being able to shift into that mindset at will.

Paul Palmer

Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom.

Today I’ve had my least productive day of the week and have just realized I didn’t have time to do my Mendi practice. I don’t think this is a coincidence. I wasn’t trialing on purpose, haven’t intentionally focussed but just realized. To me, that is a blind trial that worked (I work in Pharma manufacturing).

Adam Buckland

Oxfordshire, United Kingdom.

I love the device - I used it all of yesterday evening, and I think it’s incredible. I’ve meditated for nearly 2 400 hours and I love the visualization Mendi offers to complement that practice.

Jason Novits

Queensland, Australia.

Originally backed on Kickstarter. Now getting another for a family member. They work extremely well with regular use. Best affordable brain trainer I’ve found yet.

Heather Tiedtke

Colorado, United States.

I've been using my Mendi for 3 weeks. It really helps with my sleep.

Michael Butcher

Manchester, United Kingdom.

I’ve been using Mendi for months and can’t praise it highly enough. It’s been an incredible anxiety management tool.

Erik Bjäreholt

Skåne, Sweden.

Got my @mendi_io the other day. Surprised by how finished it feels for a crowdfunded product.Done several sessions now, and I gotta say, this is a pretty good device for getting started with neurofeedback. Hoping to keep the habit going, thanks team Mendi!

Jesse Lau

Hamilton, New Zealand.

Mendi works. Just got a good improvement compared to the first session five days ago.

Wayne Adam

Ontario, Canada.

The device has been instrumental in changing my brain patterns in many ways. I guess the most fundamental difference is a sense of well-being, hope, and a brain that I am in control of for the first time in decades. I am 55 years old and my brain is better than when I was 25. At least that is now how it seems.

Regaining control with Mendi

Forming new habits with Mendi

Experience your brain, improved

Natural & risk free training

Can (and should) be used by everyone

Get your mendi now

Experience better brain health - try mendi today!