
4 Pillars of Brain Health

4 Pillars of Brain Health

The brain never stops to rest. Think about it, even when we sleep the brain is processing and digesting information, regulating breathing and heartbeat, sending signals to the body to repair and maintain tissue, and fighting inflammation and disease where necessary. Just like any vehicle the brain needs proper care and fuel to continue driving down the road of life. If you find yourself searching for ways to achieve better mental health and clarity, this short pillar guide may help.

Food & Nutrition

The brain thrives on a steady supply of nutrients, deriving energy from the foods we consume. Diets rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals energize both body and mind. Conversely, processed foods high in sugar, salts, and fats can inflame the brain, disrupt insulin regulation, and accelerate aging. On your next grocery trip, consider these brain food options:

  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, broccoli, and kale are loaded with brain-boosting nutrients such as beta carotene, vitamin K, folate, and lutein. They're essential for cognitive health.
  • Salmon and Fatty Fish: Omega-3 fatty acids, found abundantly in fish, are crucial for brain health. Opt for two servings weekly, but watch out for mercury levels.
  • Berries: The flavonoids that give berries their vibrant colors are potent anti-inflammatories, protecting cells from damage.
  • Nuts: A great source of healthy fats and protein, nuts like almonds and walnuts also contribute to lower blood pressure thanks to their omega-3 content.

Rest & Sleep

We spend approximately ⅓ of our lives asleep, with the average person sleeping for 229 961 hours throughout their life. Sounds like a lot of wasted time? Think again. Without sleep, the brain would not be able to consolidate memories, process emotions, balance out blood sugar, or metabolize and detoxify. Your sleep is vital for your well-being. Are you paying your sleep enough attention?

Ensuring quality sleep involves:

  • Aiming for 7–9 hours of sleep per night.
  • Reducing screen time before bed to minimize blue light exposure.
  • Limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption.

Social Connection

Nothing is as painful to the human mind as a great and unexpected change. The coronavirus pandemic revealed the complexity of the human psyche and emphasized the importance of connection when friends and family were far too few to be seen. Although we quite possibly live in the most comfortable society our species has ever experienced, we are increasingly at the risk of losing our connection with each other. 

Studies show strong social ties can prevent cognitive decline, decreasing the risk of dementia by as much as 40%. Reconnecting with others can:

  • Prevent cognitive decline, reducing dementia risk by up to 40%.
  • Improve mood and increase happiness, especially through volunteering and community engagement.
  • Combat loneliness effectively, as simple acts of conversation can make a significant difference.

If you suspect someone you know may be lonely, you can help by simply being there. Strike up a conversation with a neighbor, or share a conversation with the local grocer. Stretch beyond the boundaries of generations and partake in the real world by switching off your smart device and directing your gaze toward the people closest to you.

Mental fitness

When preparing to partake in a marathon, we know what is required of us to sustain and endure the pressures associated with a long race. We spend months training and fuelling our muscles with high-calorific foods to push ourselves beyond our perceived bodily limits. With similarity, we can prepare our brains for the mental marathon that is life. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Increase your mental fitness by:

  • Reading: Engages multiple brain functions, improving memory and concentration.
  • Finding Humor: Laughter relieves stress and promotes a positive mindset.
  • Brain-Boosting Games: Mendi offers neurofeedback training devices that can visibly improve focus, resilience, and emotional regulation through regular practice.

By incorporating these strategies, you can significantly enhance your mental health and enjoy a more fulfilling life.

  • Experience your brain, improved
  • Natural & risk free training
  • Can (and should) be used by everyone

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